Leading a Customer Service Team focuses on equipping managers with essential skills to inspire and manage high-performing customer...
Are you focused on taking the next step in your career within your company? Are you feeling anxious for your upcoming interview or...
Learn the difference between bullying & harassment, how to recognise them and the specific laws that apply to each. We look at...
Conflict is an inevitable part of any workplace, but when managed effectively, it can lead to innovation, stronger relationships, and...
This 20 minute course equips you with essential skills to nurture enduring connections with people from all walks of life. You'll learn...
It is estimated that money laundering by criminals and terrorists costs the UK more than £100 billion a year – take this...
Job Burnout is a type of workplace stress that can affect anybody who feels constantly overwhelmed with their workload. This session...
In this short session you’ll be equipped with some hints on how to grab your audiences attention by use of tone and structure....
Learn how to identify and understand your own emotions and become aware of their impact and how to express emotions in a positive manner....