With so much choice on marketing your business, from social media to fliers; print advertising to radio – how do we pick the right...
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The objective of cross-selling can be to either increase the income derived from the client or to protect the relationship with the...
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The Challenger sales model and methodology is built around a sales process that focuses on teaching, tailoring and taking control of...
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If only our customers could be for life! But the reality is, since the moment your prospect turned in to a paying client, their assessment...
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This session is 1 minute long. Closing is easy - just ask for the business... but the remaining 59 minutes is spent on the build up...
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Scope creep, over-allocated resources, a break-down in communication: these are just three of the top reasons why projects fail. This...
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Neurodiversity is a concept that recognizes and celebrates the natural variations in neurological functioning among individuals....
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In today's dynamic workplace, diverse generational perspectives can be a powerful asset if harnessed effectively. This training course...
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Inclusive leadership is the cornerstone of a thriving, diverse workplace. This comprehensive training course is designed to empower...
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