Projects fail for a whole host of reasons: but you can set yours up for success by knowing how to identify, analyse and manage risks...
Join this course to gain an overview of recent global Sexual Harassment legislation, with a focus on the latest UK-specific updates....
Customer Complaint Handling - Part 2 provides advanced strategies for effectively managing and resolving customer issues. Building...
Living the values of your organisation: this session looks at how to lead by example; by taking responsibility for yourself and understanding...
Effective communication is an essential component of human relationships. We spend so much time communicating via email, so this...
A meeting can be highly productive, or a waste of valuable time. Gain the confidence and skills to plan and host an effective meeting,...
Job Burnout is a type of workplace stress that can affect anybody who feels constantly overwhelmed with their workload. This session...
Coaching a team of people is an art form. This course will provide you with hints, tips and tricks to allow your people to think for...
Low confidence and self-esteem can significantly impact one's personal and professional life. This webinar is a compassionate exploration...