The Effortless Experience: Conquering the New Battleground for Customer Loyalty by Matthew Dixon, Nick Toman, and Rick DeLisi is a book based on extensive research on customer service interactions, revealing the key factors that drive customer loyalty. The authors argue that providing low-effort experiences is critical for creating loyal customers. They provide practical strategies and tactics for creating a seamless and effortless customer experience.
Buyology: How Everything We Believe About Why We Buy is Wrong by Martin Lindstrom is a fascinating exploration of the subconscious forces that shape our buying decisions. In this book, Lindstrom draws on extensive research and neuromarketing studies to challenge commonly held beliefs about consumer behaviour and uncover the hidden factors that truly drive our purchasing choices.
Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson is a book about understanding different communication and behavioural styles, and how to communicate effectively with people who have different styles than your own. Erikson presents his ideas using the DISC model, which categorizes people into four different communication styles: Dominant, Influencing, Steady, and Conscientious.
Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely is a captivating exploration of the irrational behaviours that influence our decision-making processes. Drawing on numerous experiments and research studies, Ariely reveals the hidden factors that drive our choices and challenges the assumption of human rationality in economic decision-making.
The Customer Service Survival Kit: What to Say to Defuse Even the Worst Customer Situations by Richard S. Gallagher is a practical guide for customer service professionals to effectively deal with difficult customers. The book provides valuable insights into the underlying causes of customer complaints, as well as scripts for handling challenging customer interactions.
The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane is a book that offers readers a comprehensive guide to developing and cultivating charisma. Cabane argues that charisma is not an innate quality that some people are born with, but rather a set of learned behaviours and practices that anyone can acquire with time and effort.