Target Audience: Board level. Learn to understand the risk profile of a company and how to mitigate those financial risks as part...
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Target Audience: Any level. This course demonstrates how to read a Profit and Loss account. You will learn to read and understand...
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Target Audience: Any level. This course covers how to read a Balance Sheet. You will understand how a Balance Sheet works, the key...
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Target Audience: Any level. Ever had issues communicating with or understanding the Finance Team? This course addresses how to improve...
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Want to unlock cost savings, improve efficiency, and build strong supplier relationships? Or maybe you sell to businesses and now need...
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Learn how to identify and understand your own emotions and become aware of their impact and how to express emotions in a positive manner....
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Target Audience: Anyone working in the Hospitality sector This course addresses the Ask for Angela campaign and how it works, the...
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Listening is a lot more than just hearing. Explore how to show that we are not only hearing what is being said but making a conscious...
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This short 20 minute non interactive session will give you some great tips and ideas on how to be a better listener. You will understand...
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