Join this micro-session to learn more about body language, be better able to interpret what others are feeling and thinking and how...
Ever heard the phrase ‘don’t take my word for it’, how can you deliver this to your prospects and renewal clients?...
Unconscious bias occurs when an individual is unaware of a prejudice. Join this 60-minute webinar to discover how unconscious bias...
If you're looking for a promotion at your current company, this course will help you prepare for your job interview. How can...
When and how to run an effective and productive team meeting. This session is full of ideas to help you deliver a positive and...
In today’s fast-paced business world, the ability to think critically is essential for making informed decisions, solving complex...
Often used synonomously: stress and anxiety are not the same. Learn the differences, how to spot the signs and symptoms and how to...
When employees underperform, a business can't operate at its full capabilities. A business can't sustain itself if the employees...
The annual performance review is fast becoming a thing of the past: who wants to discuss work they did months ago?! This course...