At any time across the world people are experiencing symptoms of Mental Health. Mental Health & Me is all about helping you to understand...
You need to relax more: if it were as easy as that none of us would be stressed! Understand why a lack of sleep and relaxation is so...
Do you have a mindset for success? Whether these goals are for business, home, family, or self-improvement, setting your mindset for...
Did you know you can rewire your brain to be happy, Join this meditation webinar to learn the art of happiness....
The pressure of an increasingly demanding work culture is a big challenge to society’s mental health. Trying to achieve a healthy...
This webinar sheds light on common cognitive distortions and biased thought patterns that can hinder clear thinking and decision-making....
Mindfulness is the human ability to be fully present and in the moment. way to slow down your racing mind and help you let go of negative...
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Would you be able to recognise the signs and symptoms if you or one of your co-workers was suffering with a mental health condition?...
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With mental wellness becoming a focused issue in a post pandemic world, this course will equip you with the knowledge to identify those...
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