This course is suitable for all businesses outside of specialist fields, wherever the working environment or work activities potentially...
Risk assessments are a legal requirement for all workplaces and work activities where there are hazards. This course will make you...
Being one of the most common causes of injury at work, falls from height can result in serious injuries or fatalities to both people...
Slips, trips and falls contribute to over 10,000 serious injuries each year. Learn where the hazards originate and how to control the...
This course will provide information on what can and cannot be said in relation to nutritional and health claims. You will learn more...
Target audience: Anyone managing a budget. If you've wondered what is the point of a budget or why is it so important, this...
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Target Audience: Anyone managing a budget Attend this course and learn how to read reports, understand and interpret numbers...
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A PDP is a tool to enable individuals to improve their performance and reach their full potential at each stage of their career. Identify...
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The annual performance review is fast becoming a thing of the past: who wants to discuss work they did months ago?! This course...
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