If we don’t have engaged employees, it’s only time before it starts impacting company performance. This interactive session looks...
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In this session we discover how a simple Pivot Table and Chart can be graphically filtered to show your best performers over time,...
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This is a 5-part series though sessions don't need to be completed in succession. This one-hour session covers some more hints...
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This is a 5-part series though sessions don't need to be completed in succession. This one-hour session covers some hints and tips...
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This one-hour session continues the discussion of charts made in Part 1 and covers Plotting on a second axis, Adding Trendlines, Forecasting...
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In the final Pivot Tables session we conclude our training on this subject by discovering how the same field can display different...
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Excel has many functions dedicated to dates and times, for example, to “date stamp” an invoice or identify the number of...
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Logical functions in Excel allow you to have the program make decisions based on criteria you specify. A simple example could be to...
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Excel has a number of tools that allow predictions to be made depending on several variables. This can be very useful as a means of...
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