Are you ever asked to deliver a training session to employees, your peers or stakeholders despite not having any training delivery...
Discover current global trends in cyber-attacks and how to recognise them, learn of their potential impact and simple measures to put...
Do you find yourself wasting time trying to find an email within your inbox? On average a typical worker receives over 120 emails per...
This course highlights some of the latest exciting and innovative AI developments in the suite of Office 365 packages, where to find...
Explore how to become a confident individual and how this aids in the long-term success of your career. Tips and ideas to help you...
It is estimated that money laundering by criminals and terrorists costs the UK more than £100 billion a year – take this...
Communication is an essential leadership skill. Learn how to build rapport, trust and tactfully manage delicate and sensitive situations...
During this topic, we will explore how to deal with angry or difficult clients, highlighting specific tips and techniques that you...
Corruption globally amounts to over $1 trillion a year. Learn the impact of bribery and corruption, the four key offences under th...