Trust is a foundation of everything we do. But, how do we build that trust among the teams, between the clients and people surrounding...
It's the meetings that managers statistically seem to hate the most, yet it should be something to be embraced by manager and direct...
PowerPoint is in use everywhere in business, but few people have been trained in its use. In this session we look at some of the rarer...
In this one-hour session we continue our exploration of Pivot Tables, and cover Expanding Pivot Table functionality, Adding a Calculated...
In this session we discover how a simple Pivot Table and Chart can be graphically filtered to show your best performers over time,...
If your role involves combining sets of data that span several periods of time, it can be tricky if they are laid out and formatted...
This one-hour session continues the discussion of charts made in Part 1 and covers Plotting on a second axis, Adding Trendlines, Forecasting...
How to Conduct an Effective End of Year Review This 60-minute webinar will show you how to conduct the meeting in a structured but...
Target audience: Anyone who is externally facing and needs to understand financial statements. You will learn how to read and understand...