


37 results - Page 2 of 7

Leadership: The Power of Emotional Intelligence

Leadership: The Power of Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman explores the crucial connection between emotional intelligence (EI) and effective leadership. Drawing on extensive research and case studies, Goleman reveals how emotional intelligence skills can elevate leaders to new levels of success. This book explores the transformative impact of emotional intelligence on leadership.

Estimated Read Time
5 minutes

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ

In his groundbreaking book Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, author Daniel Goleman challenges the conventional notion that intelligence is solely defined by one's IQ. Goleman argues that emotional intelligence, which encompasses a set of skills related to understanding and managing emotions, plays a crucial role in personal and professional success.

Estimated Read Time
5 minutes

You're Not Listening: What You're Missing and Why It Matters

You're Not Listening: What You're Missing and Why It Matters by Kate Murphy is a thought-provoking book that explores the art of listening and its profound impact on our relationships, well-being, and society as a whole. Murphy sheds light on the alarming decline of listening skills in our modern world and provides insightful perspectives and practical tips to become better listeners.

Estimated Read Time
5 minutes

Writing Effective Email: Improving Your Electronic Communication

Writing Effective Email: Improving Your Electronic Communication by Nancy Flynn is a comprehensive guidebook that aims to enhance readers' skills in crafting clear, concise, and professional emails. Flynn recognises the growing importance of email communication in today's digital age and provides practical strategies and tips to help readers communicate effectively through this medium.

Estimated Read Time
5 minutes

When I Say No, I Feel Guilty

When I Say No, I Feel Guilty by Manuel J. Smith is a timeless classic that offers valuable insights and practical techniques for developing assertiveness and effective communication skills. This book serves as a guide for individuals who struggle with setting boundaries, saying no, and expressing their needs without feeling guilty. Through a comprehensive exploration of assertiveness, guilt, and communication patterns, Smith empowers readers to overcome these challenges and lead more authentic and fulfilling lives.

Estimated Read Time
5 minutes

The Employee Experience Advantage: How to Win the War for Talent by Giving Employees the Workspaces They Want, the Tools They Need, and a Culture They Can Celebrate

The Employee Experience Advantage: How to Win the War for Talent by Giving Employees the Workspaces They Want, the Tools They Need, and a Culture They Can Celebrate by Jacob Morgan is a compelling book that explores the importance of the employee experience in attracting and retaining top talent. Morgan, a renowned futurist and workplace expert, presents a comprehensive framework and practical strategies for organisations to create a compelling employee experience that fosters engagement, productivity, and loyalty.