


52 results - Page 5 of 9

Team Genius: The New Science of High-Performing Organisations

Team Genius: The New Science of High-Performing Organisations by Rich Karlgaard and Michael S. Malone is a thought-provoking exploration of the science and psychology behind high-performing teams and organisations. Drawing on extensive research, real-world examples, and engaging anecdotes, the book provides valuable insights into what makes teams truly exceptional and how leaders can foster environments that encourage innovation, collaboration, and excellence.

Estimated Read Time
5 minutes

The First-Time Manager

The First-Time Manager by Loren B. Belker, Jim McCormick, and Gary S. Topchik is a comprehensive guide specifically designed for individuals transitioning into their first leadership role. Packed with practical advice, real-world examples, and actionable strategies, this book equips new managers with the essential skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their managerial journey.

Estimated Read Time
5 minutes

The Power of Mindful Learning

The Power of Mindful Learning by Ellen J. Langer offers valuable insights for leadership by introducing a transformative approach to learning that is deeply rooted in mindfulness and open-mindedness. Dr. Ellen Langer, a respected psychologist and Harvard University professor, underscores how these principles can enhance leadership skills and decision-making processes.

Estimated Read Time
5 minutes

The HBR Guide to Performance Management

The "HBR Guide to Performance Management" is a comprehensive and practical guide published by the Harvard Business Review, aimed at helping organisations and individuals enhance their performance management processes.

Estimated Read Time
5 minutes

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink is a groundbreaking book that challenges traditional notions of motivation and presents a compelling case for a new approach to understanding what drives individuals in their personal and professional lives. Pink draws on extensive research from psychology, economics, and neuroscience to argue that autonomy, mastery, and purpose are the key factors that truly motivate people to excel.

Estimated Read Time
5 minutes

The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey

"The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey" by Kenneth H. Blanchard, William Oncken Jr., and Hal Burrows is a concise and engaging book that offers valuable insights into the art of delegation and time management. Written in a parable format, the book presents a practical and memorable framework for effective delegation that empowers both managers and their teams.

Estimated Read Time
4 minutes