Team members who feel valued perform at their peak. As a leader, we show you how to coach your people and operate at the highest levels....
When employees underperform, a business can't operate at its full capabilities. A business can't sustain itself if the employees...
Managing a sales team is no easy task. You have the potential to either make or break your sales reps. Sales managers can either inspire...
Managing performance on a regular basis helps you stay on track of performance, the reality verses KPI’s and Objectives. It gives...
The chance to speak with one to one with your direct reports is a valuable opportunity to get to know them better, what drives and...
Living the values of your organisation: this session looks at how to lead by example; by taking responsibility for yourself and understanding...
Coaching a team of people is an art form. This course will provide you with hints, tips and tricks to allow your people to think for...
Making the transition from "teammate" to leader, managing others and yourself. This topic explores how to set the standards...
The annual performance review is fast becoming a thing of the past: who wants to discuss work they did months ago?! This course...