Join this module to learn about the 4 elements of ONE service; Identify the needs and wants of your customer in a retail environment,...
This course takes inspiration from those and specific skills required to thrive in a customer facing hospitality environment. Dealing...
Target Audience: Any level You will learn the different types of costs and how to manage these costs to improve profitability,...
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Target Audience: Any level Attend this course and learn what is meant by Working Capital, why it is so important to manage cash...
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From complex regulations, changing employee expectations, and competing priorities, navigating and establishing an effective DE&I...
Do you work with children? Perhaps children share your workspace? This 45-minute training will provide you with an Introduction to...
This module will explain how to carry out a primary and secondary survey for infant and children's casualties. The surveys are...
This webinar will help you understand how to treat some of the injuries that you may identify during the secondary survey. Learn how...
This module is the first of 2 modules that will teach you and provide guidance on how to identify some of the common illnesses and...