
Business Essentials

Business Skills

This course offers a wealth of information to equip you with skills needed to operate efficiently and effectively within the workplace. Do you want help managing time, or maybe learn how to deliver a killer presentation on PowerPoint? These trainings will help you sharpen the saw, become the best version of yourself and add knowledge to your toolkit

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2 Events

Working Remotely

Remote working has many benefits, but also has it's challenges. How can you enjoy the extra time...

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2 Events

Learn to Manage Time Effectively

There are 168 hours in a week, so what are you going to do with them? This session will help you understand...

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2 Events

Self-Confidence and Motivation

Explore how to become a confident individual and how this aids in the long-term success of your career....

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2 Events

How to Manage and Organise your Inbox

Do you find yourself wasting time trying to find an email within your inbox? On average a typical worker...

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0 Events

Preparing for an Internal Job Interview

If you're looking for a promotion at your current company, this course will help you prepare for...

4 hours