
Business Essentials

Competenze aziendali

Questo corso offre una vasta gamma di informazioni per fornirti le competenze necessarie per operare in modo efficiente ed efficace sul posto di lavoro. Vuoi aiuto nella gestione del tempo o magari imparare a fornire una presentazione eccezionale su PowerPoint? Questi corsi di formazione ti aiuteranno ad affilare la sega, a diventare la versione migliore di te stesso e ad aggiungere conoscenze

al tuo kit di strumenti
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2 Events

Working Remotely

Remote working has many benefits, but also has it's challenges. How can you enjoy the extra time...

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2 Events

Self-Confidence and Motivation

Explore how to become a confident individual and how this aids in the long-term success of your career....

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1 Event

Learn to Manage Time Effectively

There are 168 hours in a week, so what are you going to do with them? This session will help you understand...

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1 Event

Preparing for an Internal Job Interview

If you're looking for a promotion at your current company, this course will help you prepare for...

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1 Event

How to Manage and Organise your Inbox

Do you find yourself wasting time trying to find an email within your inbox? On average a typical worker...

5 hours