Creating a high performing team sets an organisation up for success. Learn how to create this team and how to communicate with each...
In this programme we introduce four types of mentoring and cover the essential value they bring to the direct report, the organisation...
When and how to run an effective and productive team meeting. This session is full of ideas to help you deliver a positive and...
When employees underperform, a business can't operate at its full capabilities. A business can't sustain itself if the employees...
The annual performance review is fast becoming a thing of the past: who wants to discuss work they did months ago?! This course...
Managing a sales team is no easy task. You have the potential to either make or break your sales reps. Sales managers can either inspire...
Conducting formal discussions and interviews are a key part of a manager's job: whether you are communicating with prospective...
It's the meetings that managers statistically seem to hate the most, yet it should be something to be embraced by manager and direct...
Making the transition from "teammate" to leader, managing others and yourself. This topic explores how to set the standards...