

Office 365 - Micro


microlearning è un approccio olistico per l'apprendimento e l'istruzione basati sulle competenze che si occupa di unità di apprendimento relativamente piccole. Implica strategie incentrate sul breve termine, appositamente progettate per la comprensione/apprendimento/istruzione

basati sulle abilità.
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2 Events

Excel Micro Learning Session 1

In this short 20-minute Micro Learning session we will look at some of the most useful Tips and Tricks...

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2 Events

Excel Micro Learning Session 2

Learn how to total multiple columns and rows, add conditional formatting and create a custom list for...

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2 Events

Excel Micro Learning Session 3

Tricks and tips for Microsoft Excel 365 including using subtotal instead of sum, identifying duplicates...

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2 Events

Excel Micro Learning Session 5

In this short 20-minute Micro Learning session we will look at some of the most useful Tips and Tricks...

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2 Events

PowerPoint Micro Learning

In this short 20-minute Micro Learning session we will look at some of the most useful Tips and Tricks...

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1 Event

Excel Micro Learning Session 4

Tips for Microsoft Excel including how to apply layout changes, how to set and clear a print area and...

20 mins