Join this module to learn about the 4 elements of ONE service; Identify the needs and wants of your customer and learn how to recognise...
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Join to listen and watch a roleplay demonstration of how to have an effective coaching conversation with your employee, a sought-after...
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Embark on a journey of environmental awareness with our "Understanding Climate Change". An introduction to the basics of this interesting...
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Reset your mind and help your mental wellness with our soundbath, listen and relax to the sounds of wildlife and music You may have...
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Enhanced Creativity (Sarah). A short session to understand the value of guided readings for relaxation with a demonstration via a reading...
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Are you focused on taking the next step in your career within your company? Are you feeling anxious for your upcoming interview or...
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For lots of people taking time out for themselves and practising mindfulness or meditation is easy, for others not so much, it can...
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This short standing yoga practice offers a convenient metabolism boost that can be integrated into any part of your day. Throughout...
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On average a typical worker could receive up to 120 emails every day! Join this 20-minute webinar where you will learn some top tips...
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